
We build easy to use website auditing tools for Security, SEO and Performance. Our scanning toolkit is free to use and provides a comprehensive report detailing any issues that should be addressed. We appreciate that not everyone has the time to learn, understand and resolve these issues themselves, so we offer an affordable service for The Cyber Desk to manage this for you, whether it be a one off or as a daily service for every working day of the year. We don't generate leads or valuations, but we will keep your website safe and secure from online threats.

Product Summary

Website Scanning Toolkit

Problems we solve for agents

Websites don't get enough attention, and the majority of businesses out there simply don't know how to maintain a secure website. It's not down to "Not caring", it's simply lack of visibility or the worry of it being overwhelmingly technical. The Cyber Desk brings together not just a website security tool, but also a tool to locate any issues that could be affecting your SEO and Performance. Our systems detect critical issues that pose a security risk and issues that will stop your website ranking highly on Google or making your website load slowly.


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Matthew Hall Farrell Heyworth


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