
Estate Agent Pro Business platform provides more capabilities and serves the needs of licensed estate agents better than any other estate agency software on the market. Estate Agent Pro Enterprise automates routine activities so you can focus on the most significant facets of your market, such as matching applicants to assets, engaging with customers, chasing transactions, reviewing clients, creating property specifics, and reporting.

Accompanied viewings/surveys are automatically shown in a multi-user diary with automatic alerts and repeated activities. Standard letters may be customized with different mail-merge fields, such as signature blocks, and delivered to any or a subset of an estate agent's clients.

All of this and more is completely built into their estate agent software kit in an entertaining and colorful windows desktop program that helps you to work even though the internet is down. Estate Agent Pro synchronizes data between branches automatically, and automated uploads to most websites, like Rightmove, Zoopla, and others.  Their software's single-user Lite version is free.


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